Advances in Processing Technology of Edible Vegetable Oil

Advances in Processing Technology of Edible Vegetable Oil

Edible vegetable oil is one of the most important daily food, which is rich in oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids, as well as zinc, manganese, copper, boron and other trace elements necessary for human body. Vegetable oil can not only provide the necessary calories and nutrients for human body, but also help people to absorb various fat-soluble vitamins, and ensure the nutritional balance of human health and metabolism.

microwave drying mechanical equipment

Current Situation of Production and Consumption of Edible Vegetable Oil in China
Documents have reported that the annual consumption of edible vegetable oil in China has increased from 2.2 kg/year per capita in the early 1980s to over 14 kg/year per capita, and the total oil production in China has reached 2 800 x 104 t/year. Nevertheless, China still has a certain amount of vegetable oil imports every year to ensure the consumption demand of the whole nation.

Advances in Processing Technology of Edible Vegetable Oil



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