Nutritional research of soy protein

Economic development and fast-paced life lead to unreasonable dietary structure of modern people, resulting in a series of health problems such as obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis and diabetes, leading to changes in the modern disease map.
The diet structure is closely related to the change of the disease spectrum.
Nutritional research of soy protein
Protein is one of the most important nutrients in the diet structure and one of the important factors that affect human health. At present, animal protein and cereal protein are the main protein intake by Chinese residents. High animal protein intake may be accompanied by excessive cholesterol and fat intake and other side effects, resulting in overnutrition. Gluten-based diets may lead to imbalanced intake of amino acids, such as inadequate lysine intake, resulting in inadequate nutrition.
The wide application of microwave drying machine and equipment technology makes the extraction of soybean protein more convenient and quick and the loss of nutrients is small.
Soybean protein extraction can not be separated from soybean protein machine. Soybean protein is the only plant protein with 9 essential amino acids and cholesterol-free content to meet the human body's needs. It is recognized that soybean protein is a full-valent protein which can compensate for the deficiencies of animal protein and cereal protein diets. A small amount, especially soybean protein intake, is only 5%, far below recommended 20%..



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